I met Jessica last year when she emailed me and told me her and her husband, Tyler, were moving to Austin and wanted to take "new to the city" photos as well as photos for their one year wedding anniversary. We took photos in Austin on October 14th. One of their photos is featured as #11 in my Best of 2018 blog here.
Fast forward one year, where Jessica and Tyler have already moved back to New York City. She messaged me saying how she wishes I would be in NYC to do photos for their two year anniversary. Well it just so happened that I was driving through the city, on no other day than October 14th. It was meant to be!
We started the morning off in Washington Square Park, with a foggy Empire State Building in the background. Then we recreated one of their favorite photos, the cover of the album The Freewheelin Bob Dylan, on the same street he took the photo on! After that we spent some time taking photos on random streets before taking subway photos there on our way to Chinatown. We ended our day getting bagels and catching up about the past year. I love every opportunity I get to spend with The Cones, and hopefully we will again next year on October 14th!