Tim was playing college football at Texas State when he saw Bethany. It was the spring game where fans can come onto the field after the game to get autographs from their favorite players. Bethany was wondering around when Tim called out to her "Hey, do you want an autograph?". She went over to him and noticed that he included his phone number on the picture he gave her. Tim recalls this night saying that he knew he wanted to be with Bethany from the moment he saw her.

Bethany was still in high school and felt super cool that a college boy gave her his phone number. But since she had a boyfriend at the time so she ripped up the picture with Tim's number on it (knowing he was watching), threw it away, and then walked off. "Although I had a boyfriend, I was secretly playing hard to get", Bethany told me. The next day she found Tim on twitter and then messaged him. haha! That didn't last long.

The two have been inseparable every since. Bethany graduated and went to on to attend Texas State as well. After college, Tim moved to Las Vegas to stay with Bethany. On a vacation to Florida, Tim surprised Bethany by getting down on one knee on the beach, where her best friend waited in the bushes while FaceTiming her family.

They recently moved back to Austin together where they plan to stay. "Texas is just home", Tim told me. I totally relate! Texas is just different than everywhere else. And now it's even better now that they're back! These two are definitely the real deal. Their humor is the same and they're so respectful and sweet with each other. I enjoyed witnessing their love during their engagement session and can't wait to photograph their wedding in June!
related blog: Bethany & Tim's Wedding

This was the first time Tim had opened a bottle of champagne. I was so excited for him to pop it and spray it everywhere.

AAAANNDDDD then it turned out to be red sparking wine. AH. face palm. We'll have to do a re-do at their wedding.
