Borderland State Park Engagement Session
We took Lindsey and Dave's engagement session photos at Borderland State Park. They were supposed to be getting married in September 2020 but amidst coronavirus fears rescheduled it to May 2021. I can't wait to eventually celebrate with them!!
Normally for an engagement session blog I go through their story, but I thought this time it might be fun to show the photos with what prompt I used to create the resulting image. Let me know if you like this kind of format! The prompt will be beneath each photo.

Prompt: "Ok go stand in front of the Borderland State Park Mansion. Scoot a little more left to be fully centered. Ok great. Wrap our arms around each other"

Prompt: "Great now hold hands and walk towards me. I want you to walk kind of clumsily like you're staggering home from the bar. Lot's of twisting and bumping!"

Prompt: "Get together and smile at me. Lindsey, put your left hand on Dave's chest to show your ring"

Prompt: "Dave, wrap your arms around Lindsey. Now whisper something stupid in Lindsey's ear"

Prompt: "Lindsey, give Dave a thousand kisses on his cheek"

Prompt: "Lindsey, hold Dave's hand. It doesn't really matter what your faces look like, I'm focusing on the ring"

Prompt: "Dave, put one hand around Lindsey's shoulders. I want y'all to hold hands. Ok now boop the side of her head"

Prompt: "Dave, I want you to put your hands on either side of Lindsey's jaw to bring her in for a kiss. Lindsey, you can put your hands on his wrists, elbows, or face"

Prompt: "Ok guys, you stand here and you stand here. Look away from each other"

Prompt: "Look towards each other"

Prompt: "Run to each other like you're in the airport and you just got home from a long trip"

Prompt: " Start by sitting on the ground back to back. Interlock your arms. I want you guys to stand up and I want one of you to try to get the other person off the ground"

Prompt: "Lindsey, jump on Dave's back. Dave, give her a wild ride like you're a buckin bronco"

Prompt: "Pick her up below her butt and spin her around."

Prompt: " Sit. Lindsey, turn your body more towards me. Dave wrap your arms around. Smile at me"

Prompt: "Dave, tickle Lindsey" (this was after the tickling stopped)

Prompt: "wrap your arms around each other and embrace"

prompt: "Stand in the center of the road. Dave wrap your arms around Lindsey's wasit. Lindsey, grab the collar of his shirt to pull him in close. Kiss"

Prompt: same as before

prompt: same as before, but pull away from the kiss slowly with big smiles

Prompt: "Dave, help Lindsey off of that rock wall"
Including prompts in photoshoots is fun because it's takes the pressure off of "what do I do" since you have an activity to do! It results in real, genuine emotion and breaks the ice to be more comfortable in front of the camera.
Tamara Merri Photography