5 methods to learn more about Black history to become a better ally:
The Black community and BIPOC have been trying to educate everyone on antiracism for years. Now that everyone is listening, don't go to your Black friends for advice. They're tired. Instead, educate yourself first, then have a conversation with them.
Do you have biases that you don't even know exist? If you think there isn't a racism problem in this country I suggest listening to this Instagram Live titled: Letter to a White Man, [from a White man] and this IGTV episode Systemic Racism Explained, before you dive into the below resources.
This is a lifelong learning, and unlearning process. This is only the beginning to bettering yourself, your community, and future generations.
The following titles are available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu:
Explained: The Racial Wealth Gap: to help understand the concept of white priveledge
Time: The Kalief Browder Story: True crime docuseries - the story of a teenager wrongfully charged
When They See Us: True crime docuseries of five teenage boys wrongfully convicted of a crime that they did not commit
13th: Documentary analyzing the criminalization of African Americans and the US prison boom
Who Killed Malcolm X?: An insight into Malcolm X, his beliefs and his mysterious death
Dear White People: Comedy-drama series that follows several black college students at an Ivy League institution, touching on issues surrounding modern American race relations.
Just Mercy (currently free on amazon prime): True story of Walter McMillian, who, with the help of young defense attorney Bryan Stevenson, tries to appeal his murder conviction.
Blackish: (watch on TV or Hulu) Series that follows an upper middle class African-American family as they juggle several personal and sociopolitical issues
This is a list of podcasts. However, I implore you to research and listen to Black voices in your community, in your industry, and those in power. If you do not know of Black voices in your community, go out and connect.
About Race (the host is the author of below mentioned book Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race)
These are either true stories, memoirs, or novels.
I recommend purchasing the books from :
Disclaimer: below books are linked with my amazon affiliate code. Any and all monies earned from the affiliate program will be donated to AAPF #SayHerName Campaign
Just Mercy (the book for the previously mentioned movie)
White Fragility: Why it's so hard for White people to talk about racism
Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria
Here's a list of resources so you can stand in solidarity including petitions, protesting, contributing to a bail fund, donations, and staying updated
support Black owned business (Austin list here, and restaurants specifically here)
diversify your corporation and life
Speak Up! Speak up to your family, friends, children, neighbors, classmates, colleagues, and strangers. Here are some websites that can help you find the words to approach the subject:

If you've found other awesome resources please let me know and I'll add them to the list.